Businesses and startups from all domains are in search of mobile-friendly applications to survive in their respective markets. Previously we relied on native technology to develop mobile apps and websites, but now we have wide options of technologies to develop cross-platform applications. It is no secret that Google's Flutter stands out as one of the best options available to developers. Developers and programmers welcomed it with open arms. Today more than 400,000 applications are available in the market built on Flutter.
Flutter is a software development kit integrated with all the flexible widgets and beautiful UI that enables you to create a high-performance, scalable and robust application that delivers a native-app like experience. Flutter 1.0 was launched on Dec 4th, 2018 and Flutter 2.0 on March 3rd, 2021, Flutter 3.0 was released on May 11th, 2022.
Are you curious to know how such a young framework has so much more popularity in a short span of time than other cross-platform applications? Well, it's the features that make it stand out in the crowd.
The first benefit of using Flutter is its Beta version which basically lets developers create applications that run on multiple platforms seamlessly.
The developer's productivity is increased by tenfold with Flutter’s Hot Reload feature. The feature provides access to make changes in the codes that instantly reflect without even refreshing the file.
By adding a broad library of highly scalable widgets, Google has made Flutter highly flexible and expressive. The platform fully supports developing customized interfaces with exclusive and engaging themes.
It leverages an efficient and portable GPU rendering UI, allowing it to work on various interfaces and is known for its productivity and rapid development process.
Flutter provides seamless integration with a wide variety of IDEs, including Xcode, Visual Studio Code, and Android Studio.
As an added bonus, Flutter leverages the Flutter Doctor command, which automates the quality assurance test of the app and helps identify bugs. Using this command, app developers can quickly locate the app's problems and rectify them in real time.
Flutter's technical features include the following:
Google Flutter offers extended support for setting up and formatting pictures and videos in your app to make it more fascinating, engaging, and interactive. A good amount of time is saved by developers with this feature, and enables them to build high interacting apps without having to get into lengthy procedures.
Irrespective of the platform you used for your app built-up, Flutter is a dynamic platform that can smoothly be embedded into existing apps.
It leverages advanced APIs that make app animation looks cleaner, faster and smoother. As it uses 2D GPU-accelerated API, hence, it keeps the animation clear and crisp.
With this, I would like to wrap up the introduction about Flutter. We come to the conclusion Flutter consists of a software development kit and framework. To develop the app you need to use a programming language called Dart, which is Google's in-house programming language.
Why Should You Select Flutter for Cross-Platform App Development?
It saves time and ensures quick time to market
Build a serverless app with google firebase
It saves cost on App Development
Delivers excellent experience to the users
Hope the above piece of content has provided you with great insights about why businesses should consider developing cross-platform applications using Flutter. It helps in save time and cost on app development and allows you to take your business to new heights